Friday, December 4, 2015

December 2015- Christmas Is Coming

Wow, time do flies, I don't think our sister group have came out with any ideas for the christmas meeting yet. I just heard from my friend that I'm suppose to change RM1k for the trip to Thailand. I should have did more savings for it. Sigh. I guess I just need to get another RM500 from January's and try not to spend so much this month. Plan to get also a gift for Shireen's birthday. Ken Mun will help us to purchase it from HK airport most probably. I'm excited to sit down and chat with them again. I really need to start to learn to spend my finances properly.

 I'm currently writing down my budgets beginning of the month and also how much I spend for necessities as well as wants. I should really cut down more on my wants and givings. I din't bring my book on finance management to read in the shop today. I will need to dig deep to learn ways to be better finance stewards. I should set also a budget of giving. How much should I spend per month on giving? I need to roughly come out with a budget plan for this for year 2016. How much to spend on family and friends? If not I may be suffering with financial difficulties. I need to do everything in moderation but yet I'm still not learning after so many years of working. I have yet to safe up money for future. The only money that I got is in my fixed and that is very little.  Enough about my budget plan.

Me wearing a  Kimono- Japanese Outfit
Us in Japanese Outfit, thanks dear for accompanying me.
This 2 weeks, I get to spend time with the people I love. On the 28th of Dec, Albert and I went to Berjaya Hills, the Colmar Tropicale and Japanese Village in the morning after having breakfast dim sum with Desiree in Karak. There Albert and I manage to take a video on how we met Jesus. I'm very video shy. It reminds me about the time when the videographer needed to videograph for my friend's wedding, asked me to say some nice message for her, but I just could not but I just need to push myself to be more confident in talking in the video that day being with Albert. We also have a fun time playing the arcade games together.

After our trip, we actually tried to rush back for a talk on depression by a Dr. a talk organized by MMHA. But due to time constraints and also traffic, we cancelled our plans and head straight to meet up with aunt Alice and aunt molly and Adele.

Colmar Tropicale- with the swans.
Desiree and I, went to pick Samuel up from Sunway Condo, lost our way 3 times before reaching out destination. Very tiring journey that day, confusing as well. After 2 hours on the road we finally meet up with Aunt Molly, Aunt Alice and Adele, together with them my very dear boyfriend, they were all waiting there for our arrival.

I haven't met Aunt Molly for the longest time, she never stop sharing encouraging words and affection to our family. I know she loves us very much through her actions. I could see her huge heart for us. This was a planned trip without letting dad and mum know. We have planned since 2 months ago. They looked so suprise, Adele recorded a video on that. I'm so thankful that our plans did not fail. I saw my dad's little shocked movement. It was hilarious to watch him and mum. I could see they were so happy. Wheee.....we suceeded!! thanks to my precious Yong Siblings!!~
after the suprise, we settled with a group picture.

Taken in Bandar Damansara, Kuantan
We had an enjoyable time singing karaoke and having seafood dinner at a restaurant in Jalan Cempaka. We sung from oldies to Malay songs and  Pop songs. After warming up, we could see everyone is fighting for the mic. We conclude our karaoke with 2 group songs. And ended with Amazing Grace half-way, as the shopkeeper off the mic straight away.  On the 1st of Dec, we went to visit baby Ivan and the Ng's.  We cut our December babies cake, celebrating Vendi, Adele and me.  We also have lunch with Uncle Senglai, Marcus and Matthew.  In this few days, Adele has caused me to be addicted to the Neko app on our phones. It is great to be able to share the same love for furry/ fluffy pals, with my 19 year old cousin. No longer a baby  but a young lady. I was actually thinking of what to get for her and then decided on a duo pendrive for her to transfer files to and from her LG handphone. I hope they all have a safe journey home to UK and Singapore. I appreciate them coming down to spend time with my parents. I wish them all the blessings and Love from God. 

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life

Friday, November 27, 2015

Nov 2015- remembering Ridzuan Condo.

It may be yesteryear, but my memories in Ridzuan Condo triggered when I was reading about it. Happy times, meaningful moments, sad times, stressful times and a place where I call home away from home 11 years ago. Although I'm not in touched with any of my housemates, I still remember vividly the time when I'm there with them.

I remembered a girl by the name of Selina, she was the 1st christian sister that I met before I start classes, she was my housemate. I started my course with feelings of Joy and Happiness. It was my dream to become a mass commer. I was thanking God then and was grateful that I was given another chance to study. I gave Selina a warm hug and said hello to her asking her which church is she from and she was actually from Sabah. She only have 1 more semester there when I went in, as she is an A level student. I felt at home the instant I was there.

My roommate comes and go. Hannie was the first to leave due to her JPA scholarship, we lost contact right after she left, she is as sweet and bubbly like her name. My room has always been a place to play sleepover and mid night chats. There is always one of the housemate that will shift over to sleep with me when anyone left the house. I believe it was because my room was the master bedroom. It was spacious and near the window, the air is good there as we are in the 11 or 12 floor I couldn't recall already. Unlike Albert, the distance from Ridzuan to my classes in Taylors Bali Campus is just 15 min walk, or just less than 5 min drive without traffic. Sometimes I would take the free shuttle and sometimes I would walk. There are times when I take the shuttle to Taylors Subang to use the library internet access there to check my social network.

My 1st housemates group of housemates were Hannie, Seowleng, Priscilla, Sumee, Selina, and another girl that I couldn't recall her name. I'm closer to Priscilla, Sumee, Selina and Seowleng. Every evening, the whole group of us will go for dinner together in a food place at ground floor named, Cassie. It belongs to a family that has a daughter by the name of Cassie. We were often their customer that they even invited us to their house one day. I remembered Cassie was then learning latin ballroom, she showed us her skirt. She is a pretty young lady, still in secondary school then. We will also send our laundry to a shop where they will 1st weight our laundry and charge us by the weight. I only go to the laundry shop during rainy season or when my assignments are piling up, as I would hand-wash my clothes.

I have 2 classmates that stays in Ridzuan. We do group assignments together, crazy pictures for assignment's powerpoint, chitchat, fill up water from the water machines where we need to pay 20cents and walk to college together. Luo qian had a car after 1 semester, she offered to fetch me back after college, I'm blessed with good classmates like that. When I'm in lipis for chinese new year, she would drop by to meet me in my grandma's house. She is the only one that I still stayed in contact after I drop out of college, but then later we lost contact again. There are many other things that I have tasted in my Taylors years, but it would just be a memory as I can never re connect with my college mates again. I understand it as a bygone and I will appreciate the friends that I still have right now.

If only I'm in Ridzuan for 2 years, I would have most probably bumped into Albert then. But I guess, it would be a different story altogether if we met then. I'm thankful that we have met later, that makes it special.      

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life