Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday was comforting to my soul

I just want to thank God that this Sunday, in His own ways, the Lord comforted me through His hymn during morning worship. Telling me that He is everything to me. Telling me that everything is under His hands. Made me ponder about His greatness. He also prompt me if i'm willing to continue to love Him as much as He had shown to me throughout my life.

Dear Lord, i told myself. i need to be willing, there is no other way not to. He pick me up on my weakess most and yet change me into someone worthy for His glory. I need not want to be a person who forget Him. After Markus' death. i realise how important is it to stand up tall for Christ, with other bro and sis in christ and continue to learn to GROW in christ as we move on in life. "no turning back, no turning back" (taken from "i've decided to follow jesus".) is what that is in my mind that Sunday.

I tried to focus back to our creator that Sunday, and it really have refreshed me till this morning. my soul is real glad, carefree and satisfied with life. "it is well, it is well, with my soul". Few more days i'll be heading to penang, i wondered what God have been preplanned ahead for me, though exicted, i know that it'll be the best for me. God still use someone as weak as me, i'm not worthy but He still show me love and grace.

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life


Anonymous said...

praise the lord in whom we put all our trust and wat written in the bible:

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

therefore let continue let our God tk control our life in watever we do though in our life there still alot of obstacle we have to go through as long we continue acknowledge he is our master of everything..

yes God have been preplanned for u according to his own will.keep your full trust and hope unto God alone..for he careth for u!!!

Anonymous said...

you havent written in a while =)