Friday, March 13, 2009

A little prayer-to be SHE ( Safe Healthy Empowered)

Dear God,

I know too well to be unsafe, unhealthy, unempowered "she" that I don't want to be anymore. Lord, you have made me aware that there is more to womanhood than what I've seen and experienced. Free me from the burden of my past failures. I long to know completely how much You love me. I want to soak up Your love, finding my security and wholeness in You. Change me, Lord; tear away the old habits. Let the faulty mind-sets melt and be replaced by the truth. Break the power satan's lies have had over me. Help me to grow from the she to the SHE as I trust You to transform my life.. I love you, Lord. Do what you want in my heart and in my mind. In Jesus name, Amen.

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and i say Amen =)

change our heart dear blessed us through the way u want us to be..nothing else we could ask and express rather thn ur blessing n guidance as we walk closer unto u alone..

let be remind our self as we meditate this hymns:

Nobody knows how weak I am
Better than You
Nobody sees all of my needs
Better than You
And nobody has
The power to change me
To what I was born to be
Jesus, be strong in my weakness
Empower me

Empower me
Like a rushing river flowing to the sea
Lord, send Your Holy Spirit
Flowing out through me
'Til I'm living as Your child
Victorious and free
Send the power of Your love
Empower me

Nobody's eyes see through my soul
Better than You
And nobody's love can make me whole
No love but Yours
And nobody has the power
To lift me to reach for eternity
Jesus break through all my defences
Empower me

Empower me
Like a rushing river flowing to the sea
Lord, send Your Holy Spirit
Flowing out through me
'Til I'm living as Your child
Victorious and free
Send the power of Your love
Empower me