Friday, January 30, 2009

Something for my family and friends =D

for my eldest sister Samantha Yong
for my friend Samantha Siew

This is for little Koulitsa, that is in the hospital right now.

Hopes she'll like this gift. Will be sending to Ramona soon =D

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life


Samantha said...

wahHHh my birthday present!!! I likeeeee.... Thank you thank you!!! :)

I want to order something for BLee's v-day gift can? teehee.... Let me know how much lah :)

Oh yes, I bought you clay already.. from Daiso in three different colours and types.. so you tell me which one is best. If not, I'd just have to go to the place at 1 u to get it for you loh...


Cassey Raey said...

wah...thank you. is ok. i've alrd ask them to mail to me.
the one from Daiso let me try =D.
how much it cost you? RM5? per clay or more than tht?

Chee PoayLing said...

waaah, i like your photos. haha.. the pigs are very eye catchy...

LittleDes said...
