Thursday, January 21, 2010

The need to move to KL General Hospital (ICU)

Dr.s told Uncle See that Raymond needs to move to KL GHospital because Raymond might need to go through Biopsy for the brain. Please keep Raymond and the doctors in that Raymond will be able to be transfered ASAP with a place vacant for him to be medicated and giving a accurate attention to.

KL GHospital ICU will be one of the best for Raymond.But it'll also be a risk due to his unstable health condition that Raymond is having right now. It is very difficult to transfer a patient that is already almost near to coma. I'm not so sure if he is in a coma state now.

But according to Uncle See, Raymond is having a "2nd Stage" coma. Do not know if the Dr.s told Uncle See. But Raymond's health condition is not good. Please do pray hard for Raymond, that he'll get well and wake up soon =(. Only God understands the details of his health that no man will understand.

thanks for dropping by to know more abt Raymond's condition as well as praying for him.

Living Only for Him and Only He knows my life


suansee said...

will continue to pray for the Lord to restore him.

SueAnn said...

stay strong girl! keepin the both of you in prayer!