Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dear God, help me...be moderate in everything i do

so i proved the sermon correctly. More challenges just come within the way...in this new year. I was rather disappointed abt how the brother view me and ask me to return to the Lord (does that mean im not doing the will of God? was a question in my head.

So what if I do not go back to tht particular of church, that means i'm being unteachable, disobedient and running away from God? Wow.....such words coming out from someone who seems so close to the Lord but yet so far apart.

Wasn't me in that church before but i chose not to be in it. Stop calling me just to ask me about heading back to the same place. It would just be driving me into more and more confusion. lol

If God is not in any of other church. Then are you trying to tell me tht yours is just one of the only right church around. I came out of it. I'm not going back there. No turning back.
You say i'm not doing the will of God, so you are trying to say i do not have a heart for Christ.
lol. You do not know me that well to prove me wrong. May the Lord just forgive you and your hard rebuke.

Worshiping in spirit and in truth. Yes i know. so you are trying to say other churches are just not worshiping correctly? Anyway i still give you all the blessings for both you my good friends that you'll treasurely and truely love one another as you both walk down the aile of wedding after courting. I would just want to say congrats, yes i would meet up with you but not in a church that i feel that as if i'm not one of you's. As if i'm a failure in spirit and as if i'm a terrible believer.


BlurChu? said...

I hope you told him that you ARE going to ANOTHER church, not a temple or mosque!?

Or maybe there's something this brother is hiding from you (read: crush).

But whatever it is, let's hope he can understand your true intentions - you want to worship and serve God in where you are now.

And sometimes, stupidity cannot be cured.


Anonymous said...

as long as you are clear that God wants you in your current church, stick to it =)